Hey Guys,
Now is the is the best time to buy your Wood Pellets in Northern California. Between 1988 and 1995 I sold hundreds of pellet stoves and many hundred tons of pellets. Believe me, be like a squirrel and put your fifty to one hundred bags away in the garage or storage shed.
Here are FIVE good reasons to buy now
1. Shipping from the plant cost less in the summer
2. Dealers put pellets on sale and work at lower margins when it 90 degrees outside
3. There has never been a shortage of pellets in July
4. Pellets made in the summer are better ( its hard to make wood pellets at these plants in Dec when there is 20 feet of snow out side)
5. You heard it from the PELLET STOVE GUYS first, the price will go up by $1 to $2 in the winter.
I called around and I found that Custom Fireplace in Sacramento and Stoves n Stuff in Placerville have Goldenfire pellets at sale prices this month. Call me or email me and let me know if there is a Pellet sale going on at your favorite store and I will give them a mention.
Enjoy the Summer,
Autum is just around the corner,
Robin McDonell
"The Pellet Stove Guy"
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