I am looking for a used pellet stove insert...I would like to stay under a $1000..what information should I get and is it possible?
Pellet Stove Guys:
1. Simple is better
The more components a stove has the less user friendly they become. Really evaluate if you need a stove with a ignitor, thermostat, self cleaning mechanical burn pot, exhaust sensor, and remote control.
2. Stick with a product that has a long track record. When I got started in the pellet stove industry in 1988 there was over a hundred different units 95% are no longer around.
3. Have you stove installed by a professional. I don't just mean someone who calls themselves a professional but some who shows up at your house with the right tools and materials. Especially high temperature silicone, screws, insulation, stainless steel tee and metal tape. If they don't have those things You can bet that they will do half the job.
You didn't mention where you live, if you are in my area I do have couple of reconditioned Whitfield Advantages insert available give me a call @ 916-705-8609 and I can go over the details with you.
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